It’s important to understand that power and gender influences each and every situation. Notwithstanding the truth both feminist and wealthy power brokers were perfectly willing to accept Packwood’s behavior and not deal with the truth. The power dynamic that defines what is acceptable behavior between men and women causes an imbalance between the sexes. It is it unrealistic to expect that a women can seek a safe haven from any men after being violated sexually by someone in a power position? Who do you believe? Where can you report abuse? Who will believe you? Isn’t it somewhat odd that powerful feminist voices didn’t raise up and help to defend those that appear to have been abused or taken advantage of by these men? It seems as though Bob Packwood got off rather lightly all things considered. He still works as a lobbyist in Washington and by all outward appearance has suffered any consequences beyond losing his office. The sad truth, if not for his diaries, written by his own hands, Senator Packwood would probably still be in