Senior Drivers Research Paper

Words: 532
Pages: 3

Falls Can Make Senior Drivers More Susceptible to Motor Vehicle Accidents

The leading cause of hospital admissions, injuries, and deaths among the elderly are falls. It is estimated that one in four senior citizens experience a fall each year. Every year, almost three million senior citizens are treated in emergency rooms for injuries sustained in a fall with over 800,000 patients being hospitalized for their injuries. Falls result in broken bones, fractures, head injuries, and back injuries. In some cases, falls can cause a permanent disability that prevents the person from returning to his or her normal routines.

Why Do Seniors Fall?

Seniors are more susceptible to falling for several reasons and not all of those reasons are simply “old
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A new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety claims that seniors who have fallen are 40 percent more likely to have a motor vehicle accident compared to adults who have not fallen. According to the study’s fact sheet, falls can impact a senior’s ability to drive in three ways:

• Physical injuries from falls can limit or impair a senior’s ability to physically operate the vehicle. For example, a wrist fracture can make it more difficult to turn the steering wheel quickly while an ankle fracture can make applying the brakes quickly more difficult.
• Falls may lead to reduced physical and cognitive de-conditioning because seniors who are afraid of falling again may severely limit their activity.
• Falls may lead to self-restricting behaviors such as driving less and driving only during the day due to a fear of being injured or a heightened awareness of mental and physical limitations.

Even though seniors may not be able to change some of the factors that increase their risk of falls or increase their risk for motor vehicle accidents, senior drivers can take steps to reduce those risks. The Mayo Clinic offers several suggestions for older drivers to remain safe on the road. You can also check out tips for safe driving for seniors from the National Institute on Aging and