Separate Classes

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Pages: 4

Should Boys and Girls be in Separate Classes
The argument to separate boys and girls in classes and schools is gaining force in the United States. I personally think that both genders should be in same classes “not everyone is a fan of this system” (Morello,2014 ). People need to face the real world and realize that they are affecting their child in multiple ways. Kids of all ages need to cope with others. Boys and girls are forced to be/ work with each other.” Learning to work with all different types of people isn’t a bad thing really, they’re just preparing kids for the future,” ( ).
First of all, boys and girls are different and it is valuable experience for both genders to communicate with the opposite gender. Moreover, communication between boys and girls from the passed years of life help them in the future, because the natural process of socialization is based on the free communication with the world. Then, not all boys are rude and violent and if there are girls in the class, the boys will try to behave better in
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Our community has private and special schools to place their child in for any inconvenience. According to Dr. Lise Eliot, associate professor of neuroscience at the Chicago Medical School for Rosalind Franklin University, states, “ I believe what’s happened is that in our attempt to be gender- fair, we’ve gone to a gender-blind approach. And the fact of the matter is, the world is not gender blind” ( Morello, 2014 ) “We pretty much abhor racial segregation in schools, but nobody seems to appreciate that gender works in much the same way,” Dr. Eliot explains. “Basic social psychology tells us that segregation promotes stereotyping and sexism, and so it does not seem like the way forward in today’s