Although the citizens of Oceania aren’t always sure who they are at war against, when the do know who it is they have plenty of room for hate in their hearts for their enemies. “ We didn’t ought to ‘ave trusted ‘em. I said so, Ma, didn’t I? That’s what come of trusting ‘em. I said all along. We didn’t ought to ‘ave trusted the buggers”( Orwell 33). Although this quote doesn’t directly mention race as a reason for hate, it was implied that the speaker didn’t like “em” for a reason other than the fact that they were supposedly betrayed by the Eurasians. This is very similar to how many Americans feel about a certain race of people. ”thousands and thousands of people were cheering” on 9/11 in Jersey City neighborhoods with Arab communities as the Twin Towers fell.” The man who made this statement is not just any man he is a republican presidential candidate, not only that but he is one of the leading republican presidential candidates. Meaning that he isn’t alone in this prejudice against the muslim community. One of the most obvious ways to solve this issue is to make more of an effort to publicise the fact that not all islamic people are anti-American. The more people who know the truth the less likely racism will occur. Unfortunately there are many more motivations for …show more content…
One of the biggest underlying issues for older citizens in 1984 are the children spying on them, and reporting all of their crimes reported straight to the government mostly from their own kids. “It was my little daughter, said Parsons, with a sort of doleful pride. She listed at the keyhole, heard what I was saying, and was nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven eh?”( Orwell 233). Parsons was arrested because his own daughter turned him to the authorities as a criminal because she was spying on him, just like she was encouraged to do by the society around her. Although this is not an event that would likely take place in reality, the message of old versus young is still credible. In our world today many people are discriminated on based solely upon their age. ”Ageism, is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. Employers are generally not allowed to hire, fire, promote, or decide an employee’s compensation based on their age. However, it can be difficult to determine whether an employer’s actions were motivated by age discrimination, or by a genuine belief that another person can perform a particular job better.” This problem seems to be similar to the issue of race. The best way to end this biasim is to publically denounce the action of