Service Dogs Research Paper

Words: 453
Pages: 2

Service dogs are highly trained assistance animals that provide invaluable support and companionship to individuals with disabilities. From guiding the visually impaired to alerting the hearing impaired to sounds, these remarkable canines enhance independence, boost confidence and improve quality of life for their handlers.Service dogs benefit people in physical health,economic benefits and psychological. One of the primary roles of service dogs is to provide physical assistance to people with disabilities. Purdue University says “Service dogs – more specifically, mobility and medical alert service dogs – can be placed with individuals with a variety of different conditions or disabilities, such as seizures, quadri- or paraplegia, or cerebral palsy. Service dogs can benefit from helping with mobility – including helping with basic tasks such as opening and closing doors – or they …show more content…
Service dogs offer many economic help. Service dogs create considerable value for society by allowing individuals with disabilities to live more independently. Service dogs reduce the need for constant Home Care Services or Assisted Living, their presence can enable handlers to maintain employment,contribute to household income and economic productivity. Maryland Works says “Service dogs play an essential role in enabling people with disabilities to live more independently and confidently. From walking assistance to emotional support, these animals offer invaluable aid in various aspects of daily life. Prepare a stress-free transition for your companion with proper living space, supplies, and insurance, and if need be, approach your landlord with a resume explaining your companion’s capabilities. Appropriate steps allow individuals with disabilities to truly benefit from the life-changing impact that these loyal animals provide.”(Maryland ). Service dogs allow you to still be a normal person and do everything a normal human would