First let us evaluate what brainstorming is. Brainstorming is using means of methods to others find several ideas of how to, what to, and when to (Kinicki, 2016). The seven rules of brainstorming are defer judgement, build on the ideas of others, encourage wild ideals, go for quality over quality, be visual, staying focus on the topic, and one conversation at a time. To brainstorm we must first define each seven brainstorming rules (Kinicki, 2016). The first rule is defer judgement, meaning do not disapprove of any idea before trying (Kinicki, 2016). In a corporation teams, after training come together with combined …show more content…
I must make decisions on approving or turning down loan applications. I use rule number one, defer judgement (Kinicki, 2016). Every manager can approve or not approve a loan application. We must review the application, by reviewing the residence history, job history, income, and credit history. Approving a loan is supposed to be based on the length of residence and employment. What their credit looks like and if they have enough income to pay the loan back. Currently at this time of the year we are slow in business and down in the growth of accounts at the company, they depend on us as a manager to figure a way to grow accounts. In my office I came up with the solution of looking back over applicants that previously was turned down because they had not been on their employment long enough. I decided to look at applications from January 2018, which is 4 months ago and try and approve them now since they have been on their job a little longer now. By doing that my team and I was able to obtain 6 new accounts. I know that to someone that do not understand how the business work, that seems like not a lot. But in the finance business if an office can obtain 1 loan a day that is continued