Sex Trafficking In The Modern World

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Pages: 6

Trafficking, a multidimensional and complex socio-legal problem of contemporary times, is the third largest illicit industry after arms and drugs which is horrifyingly decaying the roots of human development across the globe. Women and young girls being most vulnerable to this deadly disease are usually the soft targets who are recruited and transported by the traffickers to be exploited in numerous ways- the ‘commercial sex trade’ being the chief purpose.

Trafficking of women for commercial sexual exploitation has in fact become today a million dollar business and the most thriving organized crime, which is an obscene affront to the dignity and rights of millions of innocent women and a blatant violation of all known canons of human rights. The issue is indeed growing crucial with the disturbing trend of
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Practically it is the most lucrative criminal enterprise because it holds relatively low risk with high profit potential, as the fairer sex, unlike drugs, can be sold repeatedly.

Commercial sexual exploitation implies a wide range of activities including: Forced Prostitution, Socially and culturally sanctified forms of prostitution, Sex Tourism &