Sexting: Rethinking Social Media

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Pages: 7

This week discussion article was based on the topic of sexuality and media. The first research article Sexting as Media Production: Rethinking Social media and Sexuality by Amy Adele Hasinoff was focused on the negative effects that digital and mobile media can have on young girls and how they communicate. The major focus of the article seemed to be on the internet and mobile of young girls and legislative debates that focusing on restricting and controlling how young girls used different media device. Particularly focusing on keeping young girls anonymous out fear of their safety. Hasinoff discusses how websites like myspace offer alternative ways to look at the issue of girls and sexual activity. Specifically, how the prevalence of sexting …show more content…
The article expresses how the internet has rapidly brought about the ability for people to act on and express sexual interest. This has, in turn, caused people to wonder about the ramification of this ability for young. Rollins talks about how this connection between young people and use of technology for potential sexual activity has had parents, and school administrators worried. The article gives the examples of people like Tyler Clementi who after having video leak of him having sex with another man committed suicide points to the potential dangers that sexting, and the disturbing of sexting can have on young people. Rollins talks about the extreme punishment of sexting can entail for young people even those who send the sexual message themselves. This section to me brings to light the importance of looking at figuring how to regulate punishment for sexting. It is mentioned that lawmakers have to look to better define sexting laws to distinguish between adolescent foolishness and the sexual abuse of minors, but many are afraid that relaxing the laws because it could create loopholes for sexual predators to escape criminal charges. One of the major things that I found interesting about the article was the court the Miller v. Skumanick. This was the court case where several young students were investigated due to sharing sexual images. George Skumanick a district attorney orders the students involved to go through certain training and court process so that they could understand what they did wrong. All the parents and kids went through process except for one family the Millers. The investing part of the case was the arguments about what images were considered child pornography. It was also interesting that Skumanick did not