Subject: English Year Level: 8 Task Number: 3 Due Date of Task: Week 5, 2012 Marks: 20 marks Task: Essay on Tomorrow When the War Began – John Marsden Weighting: 30% Areas of Assessment: Reading Writing Stage 4 - Syllabus Outcomes
A student: 2. Uses a range of processes for responding to and composing texts 4. Uses and describes language forms and features, and structures of texts appropriate to different purposes, audiences and contexts 5. A student makes informed language choices to shape meaning with accuracy, clarity and coherence. 7. A student thinks critically and interpretively about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts. 9. Demonstrates understanding that texts express views of their broadening world and their relationships within it
Below is an essay question based on the close study of John Marsden’s novel Tomorrow When the War Began. You are to plan and prepare your essay. You will be required to write your response on the day of the Assessment. No notes will be allowed. Essay Question: Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden explores key issues relating to: Survival Courage Growing up Conflict Strength of Relationships
Explore and discuss how THREE of these themes are represented in the novel. Your response should include: Detailed reference to the text: plot, characterisation, specific events Quotations to support your argument A consideration of language techniques used and their effect on meaning
You will be assessed on your ability to –
Compose a response that satisfies the structural and stylistic conventions of an essay Recall accurate details from the novel including aspects of plot, characters and themes Identify language techniques used by the composer and discuss their value and effect Critically analyse the issues/themes raised by the composer
Paper will be provided on the day.
You will need to bring a blue/black pen AND A COPY OF YOUR MARKING CRITERIA.
Teacher Code:
Tomorrow When the War Began – John Marsden
OUTSTANDING: A (20-17) Composes a sophisticated essay that is well structured in argument and development Demonstrates a highly developed control of language and structure appropriate to the audience, purpose, context and form. Includes a highly detailed analysis of the issues raised by the composer. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the novel using well selected references to the text to support ideas. Displays an excellent ability to express complex ideas in essay structure, with an excellent level of competence in paragraphing, spelling and grammar HIGH: B (16-13) Composes a strong essay that is well structured in argument and development Demonstrates a developed control of language and structure appropriate to the audience, purpose, context and form. Includes a detailed analysis of the issues raised by the composer. Demonstrates a strong understanding of the novel using well selected references to the text to support ideas. Displays a high ability to express complex ideas in essay structure, with a high level