Shekespeare's Sister Virginia Woolf

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Pages: 9

hakespeare's Sister written in 1928 by Virginia Woolf talks about what life would have been like for gifted women back during the renaissance to the 1800s. To depict that life she creates an imaginary sister of Shakespeare that had the same talent as him only to be wasted just because she was simply a woman.Woman were not allowed to expand on their gifts as they were restricted from reading because they were not meant to be as successful like men. As a result many of these women would go sane and that craziness would eventually lead them to commit suicide. She even mentions how some women would publish books with a male name so that nobody would find out that it was written by a woman. All of this ties into the fictional sister of Shakespeare …show more content…
Women are not being treated the way that most men are being treated because they still face discrimination. Women can not have equal opportunities when they have to suffer just because they are a woman. A prime example that women still are not equal is that they still do not get equally paid as men. Known as the gender wage gap many countries have not made much of an attempt to close this gap and have women get paid equally. Ariane Hegewisch and Emma Williams in their journal “The Gender Wage Gap and Work-Family Supports: women’s Choices or Policy Choice?” argue that the policies of the state have kept in tact the gender wage gap. Both of them argue against the idea that it is the woman’s fault for being paid less because they put themselves in the situation by working less in order to take care of their children. Also the gender wage gap reduces womens lifetime earnings and therefore cannot put money aside and can lead to women and their families to become poor. A figure was shown on how only 16 of the 50 states have laws that pays for taking time off when someone is sick. Out of those 16 states only 5 of them pay for maternity leave which women will tend to have as they need to take care of children they will have or if they can’t work when they are pregnant. They came up with the conclusion that “States with better work-family provisions, such as paid paid family leave and publicly provided pre kindergarten classes, are likely to have a lower gender wage gap than states with few supports for working families”(pg. 16). These benefits will help women and by most states not having these benefits it shows how some state governments do not want the change to have women paid equally because they still discriminate against them. They care more about the companies benefiting from not having to pay women for maternity leave