The opening shot is a wedding ring being taken off a dead woman’s body. The next shot fades into drunk Drebber kissing Alice and then trying to convince her to go back with him to Utah. Mrs. Charpentier walks in on them and yells for her son, who chases Drebber out. From that moment on the rest of the script is almost exactly like the story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The story does not start with Watson and Holmes meeting because this was aired during the second season. In the middle of the episode Holmes figures out that the old woman who picked up the ring was an actor. Watson and Holmes go to visit the local theater to find the actor picked up the ring. They were able to get the information needed for the case. Also, The story does change at the end of the episode. After Holmes arrests Hope there are no flashback of the story with the Mormons, but only of the murder scenes. The show ends Hope stating, “There was no murder Mr. Holmes, I executed them” (Sherlock Holmes). He walks out of the interrogation room freeze framing as him falling over and Holmes reaching for