Shinto Religion

Words: 625
Pages: 3

what is the shinto religions faith really about? shinto is a religion that has kami which is not a god. Shintos life consists of being good to the world and not doing anything bad and following kami ways. The way of the shintos is to follow the kami which determines the rituals and rules they have to follow. In the shinto religion the kami are not gods or one god of the shinto. they are spirits that inhabit many things like themselves, elements of the landscape like mountains and lakes, they can also be powerful forces of nature such as storms and earthquakes, and the kami include the gods that create the universe. why there are many kami in the world. they are not all good or perfect because they do make mistakes but some can be considered to behave badly and considered evil. while there is also good kami that are interested in the human race, and if treated properly can intervene in our lives and bring benefits to our life, and some kami are close to human beings that when they pray they may respond by influencing natural forces and human events. Some of the types of kami are the Amaterasu …show more content…
Many people worship at homes by setting aside a shrine, called a kami-dana where they put offerings like flowers and saying prayers. Other people can do private worship or public worship in events. One other worship that shinto do is jichinsai ceremonies held before construction of new building to purify the ground, worship local kami and pray for safety during construction. During shinto festivals rituals or events they conveniently followed a order of purification which is the main ceremony, abortion which is doing at the altar, opening of the sanctuary, presentation of food offering but no meat, prayers ,music and dance, offerings like twigs of sacred tree thats symbolic, removal of offering, closing the sanctuary, final abortion, sermon that is optional, and ceremonial me which ends the