Make sure you know who you are purchasing from and know exactly what you’re purchasing.
Confirm that your card details are being dealt with by only the people you are buying from. (paypal)
Make sure there is either padlock or https in url
Below are some simple tips to ensure your online shopping is as safe as possible.
When shopping online make sure the company you are buying from are reliable and well known. Conduct independent research before you buy from a seller you have never done business with. If something doesn’t feel right, make sure you trust your gut instincts. Make sure you read the terms and conditions and the return policy so if you don’t like it you can return it. When buying online you need to check if there are any additional charges being applied.
You need to protect your personal details, make sure you don’t give your credit card details or your address unless you know the purchase is legit. If someone you don’t know asks for your details on a website you don’t know, definitely do not give it to them. Make sure they are a reliable company that you trust. Make sure you read the fine print on the product, there could be important information in it. Full disclosure is essential so no information is hidden. Always print receipts when shopping online.
On the websites URL there should either be a padlock or HTTPS//, this shows