Short Story Of James Shelton

Words: 885
Pages: 4

All in a Split Second

For James Shelton, it all happened in a split second at his home in 1986, where his wife and kids rushed to his aid as he fell to the ground.

The long-time firefighter was suffering from a heart attack at just forty-five years old, with two kids and his wife there with him.

“Out of nowhere my left arm started to throb with pain” Shelton said. “I just thought it was another result of my work, having to lift weights all the time to stay in shape.”

“At first, I didn’t know what was happening, the pain kept getting worse and worse. Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me. I was having a heart attack.”

With the rest of his life ahead of him, all he knew how to do was try to fight and never up.

“The only thing that I remember was rushing to the hospital and thinking that I can not give up. Who
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The heart attack was just the beginning of it though.

Five years later while hunting in late December for deer, a hunter’s worst dream became a reality for James. An event that no one wants to go through.

“The sun was just beginning to set, I was in a tree stand all alone in the woods. No way of communication to anyone.” What happened next was a true nightmare.

He stated that he went to set up for a shot with his bow, and his foot got caught on his bag, falling from his stand. He plummeted fifteen feet to the ground. “It all happened so fast, one moment I was in the stand, and the next I was laying on the cold ground alone.”

Laying there in excruciating pain, he didn’t know what to do, all he knew to do was to shout and try to make it back to his truck. “I could hardly move, my back felt as if it were being ripped from my body. I knew that my hand was fractured, if not broken.”

“All I could do is crawl as far as I could. It was getting dark, and I knew I could not make it all night like this in the freezing cold. Who knew how long it would take for help to