Each and every sport has a different level of popularity and intensity. It would not be fair for a football player to receive the same amount of pay as a quidditch player. This being said, if athletes get paid,how would they pay them and how much to each sport or athlete? If colleges began paying college athletes there would be controversy upon who receives more or less pay,which would depend on the popularity of the sport,the amount practiced,and the effort in it. Each sport would have a argument on why it should receive higher pay and which sport should receive less. Also it would depend on which gendered sport would get paid more due to its popularity. Men’s’ sports are seen more popular and important than women’s’ sports. There would be controversy within the sports team on which athletes should be compensated more on how they play. Although colleges could regulate a minimum,maximum or median in which all athletes must be paid,that still would not last long due to different position,and popularity of each athlete. To avoid all of these controversies it would be fair to not pay the athletes and just give them equal