Should Colleges Acquire Standardized Testing Unfinished?

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Pages: 4

Imagine the outcome of a test determining a student's eligibility for college. Standardized testing is globally controversial amongst professors and test takers on whether it is an effective way of determining a student's intellectual capacity. With more applications being submitted to colleges, many people believe that testing is optional in the admission process, making colleges more competitive, while others believe it lessens the competitiveness. Jack Buckley admits, “One of the biggest reasons. . . for continued interest in test-optional admissions is simply that some colleges see little downside—and a number of upsides—to implementing the policy” (np). Today, the commonly taken tests are the ACT and SAT. Colleges should rid their admission process of required standardized tests. Colleges going test-optional is a solution to the stress that …show more content…
The background a student comes from is highly reflective of their performance on standardized tests. An excerpt from the article “Standardized Testing” suggests, “Students from wealthier households are more likely to go to well-resourced schools and have broader access to preparatory courses and tutoring. Underscoring socioeconomic disparities, critics of testing in college admissions point to multiple studies that have shown SAT scores correlate to students' family backgrounds more strongly than they correlate to indicators of achievement or preparedness” (np). The likelihood of students from lower-income families being successful during testing is low because of the lack of resources available due to socioeconomic status. Critics argue that requiring students to submit test scores plays a major part in which students colleges accept. Critics also believe that standardized tests give an overview of what a school is