Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18?

Words: 1123
Pages: 5

Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18
The big eighteen is something every single teenager looks forward too. In America, 18 is looked as adulthood. People place high standards on these new adults who have new freedoms and hold them to their new weighty responsibilities. However, the one right 18 year olds lack is the ability to legally acquire and drink alcohol. Why should America give every other right to 18 year olds, but not give them the right to use alcohol in a responsible manner? This subject has much controversy and rightly so. Many other countries allow 18 year olds to drink, and they are functioning just as fine, if not better, as the United States. Is this law prohibiting eighteen year olds from drinking actually more harm than good in America? America should lower the drinking age to eighteen because it will lower the rate of binge drinking, decrease crime, and come as a rite of passage.
Opposing Viewpoints
Critics say lowering the drinking age will only increase the number of alcohol related accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states the law setting the drinking age at 21 has decreased traffic fatalities by 13 percent, or a tremendous 19,121 lives, between 18 to 20 year olds (as cited in
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Underage drinking cites a 2009 study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stating “72 percent of graduating high school seniors had already consumed alcohol” (Scherer, 2013 pp. 20). This number clearly illustrates how much of an epidemic teenage drinking is. Not to mention the excessive amount of drinking done at college campus during parties and in the closure of the students dorm rooms. Since it is illegal for people under the age of 21 to drink, teenagers associate their drinking with rebellion. Therefore, teenagers are more likely to drink and behave irresponsibly. For example, Cary (2014)