They pay the students who tear down the tickets and sell popcorn at our games. The least that the NCAA can do for those who bring so much money to the NCAA and its schools would be to pay them the minimum wage.” This ex football player wasn’t trying to make it so that these athletes are paid like professionals, he was just trying to make it aware to others that it is just fair that they should be paid at least a little bit because there are so many people that benefit from them. Student athletes should not only be paid because of the amount of other people that gain from them, but they should also be paid because by playing in college they are at risk for things such as injuries. These injuries are always there and will always happen, some are small, but a lot of them can be career-ending. The devastation of a career-ending injury not only affects your ability to play the rest of your college career, but also denies you the chance to play professionally, which is every athlete's dream. By staying to play their chosen sport in college for the love of the game and the community that these colleges have, these student athletes are assuming the risk of these