Teachers and college counselors tell students that the more AP classes taken during their time in high school, the better (Deruy). Since many students want to attend an Ivy League or private university, which commonly accepts applicants who take on average eight AP classes throughout their time in high school, students end up taking an unreasonable amount of AP and Honors classes (Kohli). Parents also urge their children to take high-level classes believing it will increase their chances of college acceptance (Deruy). Since these children look up to their parents for approval, they feel obligated to take these courses in order to please their parents. Likewise, students force themselves to take AP/Honors classes since they have been told it will better prepare them for college. Millions of high school students enroll in AP classes every year thinking it will help boost their GPA and chance of getting into high-ranking college (Tierney). Due to this assumption, the number of students taking AP classes went from 330,000 in 1990 to 2.2 million in 2013