Should We Be Able To Clone Animals Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Should We Be Able To Clone Animals?
Have you ever lost a beloved pet or wanted a perfect animal that could last a life time? With cloning, these things are possible. Animals can be cloned for pets, to eat, or cloned animals will be used in experiments. Should we be able to clone animals for these reasons? Cloned animals can be used for many attributes, both positive and negative for instance as to keep your pet or used in experiments.
There are three main ways that you can use cloned animals. For example, you can clone an animal to be a pet. Cloning a pet it extremely expensive and in a newspaper database it stated, “Cloning a dog costs more than $50,000 and works only about a third of the time”(Simon). Barbra Streisand is one person who had a dog pass away and then she got two cloned, so they’d look exactly like her old dog. Their names are Miss
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Scientists have an idea of how they could cure diseases for animals. One way scientists they can cure a disease is by, “Now what is we could modify that gene; could we make sheep that are resistant to scrapie?” (Winters 52). They believe they can do this because for scrapie in sheep and BSE in cows a certain gene is causing this diseases. It will be difficult to find the gene because we only know 5% to 10% of all the genes in animals. Cloned animals will be beneficial for animals.
Cloning animals is not healthy for the animals because sometimes they aren’t healthy and cloning doesn’t work all the time. In some cases cloned animals aren’t healthy. Cloned animals have been known to have issues with organs. They can have developmental delays, lung problems, a malfunctioning immune system, and heart defects. For example, scientists found out that cloned mice started out healthy until they were a young adult. Once the mice became a young adult they gained a lot of weight and became extremely fat. Over time scientists have found this is common with most cloned