Shoulder Pass: Apposite Skill To Teach

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Pages: 5

The shoulder pass is an apposite skill to teach a six year old child as it is a simplistic motor skill which is used in many sports including; netball, basketball, American football, water polo and handball. This is why the shoulder pass is an essential skill to learn as it is easily transferable between a range of sports. The performers will observe either the teacher or someone who can perform the shoulder pass correctly, this a form of visual guidance as performers are learning through watching and copying. This links to the cognitive mediation theory based upon work of Bandura (1986, cited in Magill and Anderson, 2013) which suggests that when the performer observes the skill then the information of the skill is put into a symbolic memory …show more content…
Fitts and Posner (1967, cited Gabriele and Wulf, 2007), proposed three stages of learning consisting of the cognitive, associative and autonomous stage which are different stages which each performer progresses through when learning a motor skill. Teaching a six year the technique of a shoulder pass, the learners will be in the cognitive stage, as they are inexperienced and have diminutive knowledge of the correct technique of a shoulder pass. The cognitive stage consists of the movement lacking fluidity and numerous of errors as the movement is inconsistent and slow due to the majority of the movement being conscious. Augmented feedback is used which consists of two components, knowledge of performance and knowledge of results which is used in a particular situation when intrinsic feedback is unavailable to the performer or the performer is incompetent of using it. This is particularly applicable to someone in the cognitive of stage of learning as they inexperienced in the shoulder pass. As they are inexperienced, different types of guidance may be used to aid the performer when developing the correct technique of the shoulder pass such