Shut Down Your Screen Week Summary

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Pages: 2

We all know about the good and bad of the passage “Shut Down Your Screen Week” would it be good for all schools though? The article “Shut Down Your Screen Week” by Matt Ritchel. Article: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” By Nicolas Carr and Peter Norvig. Schools should proceed with “Shut Down Your Screen Week”.

First of all, schools should proceed with “Shut Down Your Screen Week” because in paragraph 16 of “Always On”, the New York Times says the the minimum screen time is 12 hours a day on average. Which compares to 5 hours in 1960. The New York Times states, “At home, people consume 12 hours of media a day on average, when an hour is spent with, say, the internet and TV simultaneously counts as 2 hours. That compares, with five hours in 1960, say researchers at the University of California.” 12 hours a day on a device is not healthy, not going outside and experiencing the outdoors on TV or TikTok is not nearly as pretty as in real life. Getting exercise is very important for your health, and sitting on the couch all day with chips can kill you.
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In Short, paragraph 24 of “The Tool Of Children” New York explains the it can damage the brain of young children, “Researchers worry that constant digital stimulation like this creates attention problems for children with brains that are still developing, who already struggle to set priorities and resist impulses.”New York Times, is comparing the development of the tool to the