Sichuan Essay

Submitted By shawnyan
Words: 2444
Pages: 10

旅 游 文 本 的 翻 译


四川素有“天府之国”的美誉。神秘的巴蜀文明、古老的文化遗存、厚重的宗教文化、绚丽的民族风情、多样的自然生态,蕴涵着独特的旅游资源。这里,是自然生态和历史文化旅游的重要目的地。 九寨沟、黄龙、峨眉山 - 乐山大佛、都江堰 - 青城山、大熊猫栖息地卧龙· 四姑娘山·夹金山脉等世界自然文化遗产天下闻名,三星堆、武侯祠、杜甫草堂蜚声中外,海螺沟冰川、四姑娘山、蜀南竹海、西岭雪山美不胜收,泸沽湖摩梭人走婚风俗、康定跑马山转山会、凉山彝族火把节民俗风情独具魅力。四川是国宝大熊猫的故乡,有列入《世界人与生物圈保护区网络》的自然保护区4处,国家地质公园1处,国家4A级旅游景区19处,全国工农业旅游示范点23家,国家重点风景名胜区15处,国家级自然保护区15处,国家级森林公园25处,国家级地质公园8处,全国重点文物保护单位128处,中国历史文化名城7座,中国优秀旅游城市14座,可谓“天下山水之观在蜀”。 数千年来历代先民们创造了独具特色的巴蜀文化。5000年的三星堆文化、3000年的金沙文化、2000年的都江堰文化驰名中外。神秘的三星堆是中华文化的发源地之一。金沙遗址出土的“太阳神鸟”被确定为中国文化遗产标志。伟大的水利工程——都江堰,福泽天府大地,造就了“水旱从人,不知饥馑”的成都平原,堪称天下奇迹。

Sichuan has long enjoyed the reputation of being a “land of abundance”. The mysterious civilizations of Ba and Shu, ancient cultural remains, profound religious culture, diversified customs of ethnic groups, and various forms of natural ecology all represent unique tourist resources. They combine to make an important destination of eco-tours and historical and cultural tours.

Sichuan boasts several World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites: Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area, Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area, Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, and Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Mt. Siguniang (Mt. Four Maidens) and Jiajin Mountains. It also offers such historic sites as Sanxingdui (Three Star Mounds) Ruins, Memorial Temple to Marquis Wu, and Poet Du Fu’s Thatched Cottage, and scenic spots like Glaciers at Hailuogou Valley (Conch Valley), Mt. Siguniang, Bamboo Forests in Southern Sichuan, and Snow-capped Xiling Mountain. In addition, unique local customs have a special appeal for foreign tourists, including the Mosuo’s practice of “walking marriage” at Lugu Lake, local Tibetans’ Horse-Riding Mountain Fair held in Kangding, and Torchlight Festival held by the Yi people in Liangshan Mountain.

Sichuan is home to giant pandas, China’s national treasure. Its 4 nature reserves are on the list of the International Man and Biosphere Reserve Network. Moreover, there are in it 1 world geological park, 19 national 4A-grade tourist attractions, 23 national model spots for industrial and agricultural tourism, 15 National Parks of China, 15 national nature reserves, 25 national forest parks, 8 national geological parks, 128 national monuments, 7 China’s famous historic and cultural cities, and 14 China’s top tourist cities.

In the past few thousand years, forefathers have created unique Ba culture and Shu culture, in which the world-renowned are the 5000-year-old Sanxingdui Culture, the 3000-year-old Jinsha (Golden Sand) Culture and the 2000-year-old Dujiangyan Culture. The mysterious Sanxingdui site is known as one of the hearths of Chinese culture. The sun bird unearthed from the Jinsha site has been designated as the symbol of China cultural heritage. The great Dujiangyan irrigation system has since ancient times nurtured the Chengdu Plain, one of the country’s most affluent regions. It has created a historical miracle in China: “Draught and flood disaster are all under human control, and people in the plain have never suffered from famine.”


石林为中国国家风景名胜区(1982年)、首批世界地质公园(2004年)、国家AAAAA级旅游景区(2007年)和世界自然遗产(2007)。 石林地处滇中高原腹地,东经103°11″—103°29″,北纬24°40″—24°56″,位于石林彝族自治县境内,县城海拔1679.8米,距省会昆明市约78公里,“冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春”的气候属亚热带低纬度高原山地季风气候,年平均温度约16℃,是一个集自然风光、民族风情、休闲度假、科学考察为一体的著名大型综合旅游区。 石林是岩溶地貌中一种特有形态,亦称喀斯特典型形态。石林区域原是苍茫大地,沉积在海底的石灰岩由于各个时期的造山运动和地壳变化,又经过2亿7千万年的溶蚀、冲刷和风化,形成了无数石柱的组合。远远望去仿佛是浩瀚的林海,故称“石林”,素有“天下第一奇观”之称。 石林面积广阔,约计达1100平方公里,保护区为400平方公里。目前已经开辟的主要游览区仅80公顷,林中游程约5000多米。整个石林由8个区域组成:大小石林、乃古石林、芝云洞、长湖、大叠水瀑布、月湖、奇风洞和仙女湖。游览区分成石林风景区(中心景区)、乃古石林风景区、大叠水瀑布风景区、长湖风景区。其中以石林景区最有代表性。 这里群峰壁立,有的高达30多米。大自然的雕琢使石林千姿百态,可任人揣摩想象,有的如笋如柱,有的如利剑刺天;有的如婷婷少女,有的如壮士相搏;还有的如鸟似兽,像在奔腾、跳跃、昂首嘶鸣。 石林内还有迷宫般的地下溶洞。各种奇异的钟乳石使人目不暇接,如同进入仙境一般。这些奇妙瑰丽的景色中,尤以“剑锋池”、“莲花峰”、“望风亭”、“石林湖”、“母子携游”、“万年灵芝”、“大叠水瀑布”、“千钧一发”、“凤凰梳翅”和芝云洞地下石林等景色为最佳。