Signs Of Guilt In Shakespeare's Hamlet

Words: 404
Pages: 2

In 3.2, the play starts in the castle. Hamlet greets Horatio and tells him to watch Claudius carefully too while the play. Afterward, they will compare their observations of Claudius to see if there were signs of guilt. When the scene of the murderer pouring the poison into the king's ear. Claudius cries out and flees the room. Hamlet and Horatio both agree that Claudius acted strangely to the scene, therefore, must be guilty. Another thing that should be mentioned in this scene is that is only pretending to be insane. When he speaks to Horatio he speaks fine, without non-sensical sentences. When people like the King or Queen are around, he goes acts as if he lost his mind.

3.3., Claudius comes to a decision that Hamlet is dangerous. He asks