Similarities Between John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Pages: 2

Finally, Crook represents the lowest ground of society. Due to how people of power act towards him, their power influence how he treats others as they enter his room, how he responds to Curley’s Wife, and his future. As Lennie enters Crooks’s room, he says, “You got no right to come in my room. This here’s my room. Nobody got any right in here but me,” (Steinbeck, 68). Crooks establishes this rule because this is how he is treated around the barn. Since he is black, he has no rights during this time period. No one wants him in the bunkhouse, nor do they allow him to play games with them. This shows how he despises how higher powers treat him. Candy and Curley’s Wife also believe that higher powers treat them unfairly, as they leave Candy to