Although one influenced the other, they are still maintain their uniqueness with the Parthenon using only linear lines, with the Pantheon’s main structure being a rotunda. Both buildings were dedicated to different gods, the Parthenon to Athena, and the Pantheon to all Roman gods. The Parthenon uses the Doric and Ionic orders in its structure, while the Pantheon uses primarily the Corinthian order. The Pantheon with its linear lines suggests a more masculine interpretation of the two structures, while the dominant curves of the rotunda suggests the more feminine of the two. Conclusion While the Parthenon and Pantheon share both similarities and differences, they both demonstrate a legacy of exceptional design that transcends time and eras. They were both built to honor the beliefs they felt were important to their societies at that time, which still serves our modern needs today. Their scale and proportions conjure awe and inspiration, and they continue to influence new generations of architects who look to both structures for inspiration and ideas. They have convincingly communicated the ideals they wished to be recognized for and