English 101
Simple isn’t always Detrimental This Year Bethel University is trying to eliminate the use of online classes in the curriculum, although this may be detrimental to student body as a whole. Online classes are one in which both students and instructors communicate via their computers. The assignments, class lectures, documents, and responses are on screen. Communication with instructor and other students in the class is through the sections called Discussions and Mailbox, a student’s personal e-mail, and other media. The syllabus, assignments, and other course materials are provided on screen. All of these media are provided with the course curriculum management system, WebCT. ( http://sunny.moorparkcollege.edu/). In the year of 2009 alone there were over 5.5 million students taking at least 1 online class (http://education-portal.com/). With a steady increase in enrollments each year Online classes are becoming a huge part of this generation’s college community, not only to students at bethel but to students everywhere in the throughout the world Online classes help with convenience, better one-on-one training, and helps builds the confidence of each individual student. To begin, online classes are of great convenience for everyone both financially and time wise. Not everyone receives scholarships, most college fees have to be paid out of pocket or students have to take out a loan for these expensive college classes. Rather than deny those who are not fortunate enough to afford college and its expenses of an education, people should be able to take online classes so they may work all at the same time. By doing this they are making money to support themselves and
Frazier 2 continue their education. Due to the students not having to actually enter a class room setting, online classes tend to be cheaper than on campus classes. Which stop you from having to pay back loans which you’ll later have to pay back. Also because a student doesn’t have to drive or catch public transportation this saves them money they could be using for other educational purposes. Also, Students do not have to wake up early in the morning and attend a class half asleep or stop what they are doing in the middle of their day to attend a class every other day. This helps result in comprehending their work by allowing them to work at their own pace. Online classes are flexible to fit students schedule no matter if they are an athlete, someone with a full time job, or a parent with a job and children to care for. College years tend to be the busiest time of a person’s life, there is already an implied level of stress with extra-curricular activities, multiple distractions and piles of work, online classes are of great convenience for all students. The more convenient anyone could make the experience the better it is for the college community as a whole. Sometimes, students may get intimidated by the professor or large classroom environment. By taking online classes the student won’t have to be intimidated by that one student in class that answers all the questions. Sitting in front of a laptop a student may not fully understand a lesson but won’t be as hesitant to email a professor for help rather, than having that “oh my question may sound dumb “feeling. Online classes give a student better one on one training and can help build an individual’s confidence as a student. Professors may not explain something to your understanding and by taking it online you are allowed to constantly review the lessons and use outside sources such as Google, Bing, Youtube and other search engines to help u better understand.
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There is a possibility of cheating in online classes and some people