Single Race Biological Reality

Words: 539
Pages: 3

I believe that all humans belong to the same species and that “race” is not a biological reality but a myth. Anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists have all concluded the same, that race is not biological. Today a great majority of people who are on aboard with the research on human variation would concur that biological races doesn’t exist among humans. Despite the idea, there is only one human race. Our single race is apart of geographic origin, ethnicity, culture, color of skin or shape of eyes; we all share a single phenotype, the same or similar observable anatomical features and behavior. Science highlights these resembles in our embryonic development, physiology, biochemistry and lately, our genetic makeup. Data shows that DNA of any two human beings is 99.9% the same, and we all share the same set of genes, scientifically verifying the existence of a single biological human race and one origin for all human beings. In other words, we are all brothers and sisters (Hadjiargyrou M). …show more content…
Clearly, there are differences in how humans respond to the different diseases or infections; but some never suffer from cancer and may be immune to many infections. This may be because of factors like diet, exercise, overall health or environmental conditions. The fact that a human population, irrespective of geography or ethnicity is vulnerable to the same diseases, coupled with the existence of multiple pandemics, is a strong explanation of how identical we are (Hadjiargyrou