Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Journey Essay

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Pages: 4

“Winning and losing isn’t everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.” according to Alex Morgan, a woman who has been through countless journeys, reimagining the future of women sports. She did not do it alone though, she had many people guide her and teach her lessons along the way. In fact, many works of literature feature journeys and the lessons learned from the people encountered on those journeys. One that comes to mind is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a story where Sir Gawain accepts a dare and faces many obstacles. Undeniably, Sir Gawain becomes a better knight after his journey. The initial chapter of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight emphasizes the importance of chivalry through the confrontation between the people …show more content…
The second temptation occurs after Sir Gawain finds his way to Lord Bertilak’s Castle and starts a three-day gift exchange with the Lord. While Gawain tries to recover and relax from his harsh journey, Lady Bertilak attempts to seduce him. Connecting to the second temptation, the third temptation comes from Lady Bertilak. It is a beautiful, expensive, ruby ring that Lady Bertilak tried to gift to Sir Gawain. In addition, the fourth temptation also comes from Lady Bertilak, a magic green girdle, which Sir Gawain received. Lastly, the fifth and final temptation is the speech the Squire guiding Sir Gawain gives, promoting him to run away because the Green Knight is evil. Although all of these temptations are irresistible, the hardest ones for Sir Gawain to overcome are the magic girdle and the speech the Squire gives. The magic girdle was the only temptation that Sir Gawain gave into, it was hard for Gawain to let it go because it helped settle his fears of death and gave him hope. Continuing, the Squire’s speech was one that Gawain had to think about because the whole situation was becoming real for