Sir Walter Raleigh Research Paper

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Pages: 2

Sir Walter Raleigh was a soldier, English explorer, and a writer. He was born about 1552 in Devonshire, England. At age 17 he fought with the French Huguenots and then later studied at Oxford. He became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth after serving in her army in Ireland. He became knighted in 1585 and then after 2 years he became captain of the Queen's guard. He sailed for Queen Elizabeth and England.

Sir Walter Raleigh years of explorations were: 1578 - with his half-brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert on a voyage to North America to find the Northwest Passage. Never reached destination and ended up in a war against Spanish shipping.
1585-1588 - not allowed to leave Queen Elizabeth he sent out expeditions across the Atlantic to establish a
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The other one was England to Roanoke which is later known as North Carolina. He set sail to find a Colony for Queen Elizabeth.

Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the place Roanoke which is that is now North Carolina but the colony was lost years later. Sir Walter Raleigh's amazing feats where on his trip to South America for the search of the legendary land of gold. Instead he found tobacco and potatoes. Sir Walter Raleigh's purpose of his voyages was one to find the legendary land of gold and to find the New World for England to claim. The outcomes of Sir Walter Raleigh voyages where great knowledge of the New World for future colonization.

Sir Walter Raleigh characteristics were outspoken, pursuant, helpful, and assertive. Sir Walter Raleigh had no significant events that happened on his voyages. Sir Walter Raleigh accomplishments were the popularization of tobacco saving the early colonists from wiping out. Another of his greatest accomplishment was creating good relationships between the English and the natives of South America. Participation in the 1596 attack on the Spanish port of Cadiz. Raleigh fought for the queen against the Irish and