Sister Jean Ward Research Paper

Words: 619
Pages: 3

Sister Jean Ward, Adda M. Allen, and Anita Dorr are all influential people. Each one of these nurses all have great intentions to better our world for the future. These three women have all had an invention that has benefited people around them. Ward, Allen, and Dorr have all looked past the problem to find a solution. Sister Jean Ward was a brilliant woman in the 1950s. She was born April 22, 1915, lived to be 91 and then died peacefully November 17. Ward was one to figure out how sunlight will reduce jaundice in premature infants and new borns. As a start she had to figure out what Jaundice was. She found it to be a discoloration of the skin and eyes of a new born. She also has found out that bilirubin is the breakdown of red blood cells. Ward had made a self note and she stared to take babies outside, assuming that fresh air had healing benefits. As she experimented many other nurses had stood by, only to find out that and in the areas that the sunlight was hitting the yellow tint of jaundice began to disappear. As she was in charge of the Premature Unit of the Rochford General Hospital in England she was proud to see her invention have such an …show more content…
Allen was a woman with a great amount of intelligence. Her invention was a disposable baby bottle. Her design was very clever and had a smart meaning behind how it worked. To start you would take the disposable plastic bag and put it in the container. Before she sealed the end she had let excess air be released from the bag. Allen's invention is limiting the amount of baby's that are swallowing air and milk at the same time. With standard baby bottles they didn't have the choice to let air out. The George Washington University Hospital is where Allen's invention was proven to be true, although her invention was found to be seen on a commercial, that is where it was shown to be tested in hospitals. Later when her invention was published and written about they never explain if she ever sold her invention or