A symbol, that shows the travelling in time or stuck at time of Billy because of the way in which the book is told.
4. And, Billy, the main character (but I will show it as a survivor and disorientated person)
(And we can not forget about normal details of covers: Title of the book, author name and publisher logo) The cover needs to have the tralfamadorians, do to the analogy there’s between them and Billy. As he adopts a Tralfamadorian attitude because it is the only way he can make sense of the disorientation in time he is left with after the war. In order to follow him, the narrative approximates the same attitude as the tralfamadorians and their philosophy of time. A way in which, the travelling can be shown on the cover: it’s putting a serial of dates in different sizes, highlighting the one of the Dresden bombing, so the reader won’t really understand the real meaning of this dates until he reads the book, and understands the main cycle of the story that is not a linear story, it’s a book where the time “travels” it goes to the future, come back but it is stuck in some lapse of time, billy won’t be in a place for a long