Even during the times of the Founding Fathers, slavery was a complex issue that needed to be carefully worked around in order to appease states. Since then, the mounting tension over slavery devolved into a mentality that the United States government was overreaching into whether it could decide what a state is allowed to do. During the time right before the Civil War actually began, the perfect storm of instances would bring tensions to light. Capitalism versus traditional morals would be questioned during this time, whether one was worse for American society than the other. New states, technology, people, and literature would also help question whether American culture was actually decaying morally, especially in the North, and it was the South that was trying to preserve the original American way of life. While the intentions of freeing the slaves were not always pure nor were they in line with what many abolitionists thought would happen, it did change the beliefs of many that a strong America could not support slavery within its