Slaves in 1800’s had to live a brutal life from being treated as an animal or property to being abused severely. Slaves were sold to increase manufacturing by helping plant crops or doing other work that owners does not want to. Although you would think slaves would be taking care of by the owner this was not the case. Slaves had strict rules that they had to follow and if they did not they could be abused with a whip thumb screw or even be killed. Because slave owners did not treat slaves as humans they were denied the rights as a human to and were nothing more than property. The basic human rights slaves were denied were freedom, safety and the right to a family.
Slaves back then were obviously denied freedom. They were put under strict rules and forced to do labor for cheap. In Document 1: A Speech by Frederick …show more content…
In Document 9: Description of a Slave Auction, It talks about a Mom that was a slave that wants the slave owner to buy her son but also buy her and her daughter so they can stay together. “She begged the man not to buy him, unless he also bought herself and her daughter Emily… She wanted to be with her children, she said… The bargain was agreed upon, and Randall must go alone.” Slaves were not allowed to have families or be married. But when the slave owners sells your child it hurts. It hurts you emotionally and there's nothing you can do. In Document 7 there is a graph about what caused the breakup of slave owners. 12.4% was by personal choice. 3.8% was because they were sent to fight in the war. 37.6% was by the masters choice to sell or break apart the families. 46.2 %of the breakups is caused by death. This graph shows that right after death at 46% was there was masters choice at 37%. As a human being slaves should have the right to a family and not have to worry about there family members being taken