I discovered this because throughout my journey, I constantly found new pathways and relationships between my emotional, physical, and social well being. When one of these aspects was effected the other ones would be directly affected, in either a positive or negative way. I think this was the biggest take away because it helped me realize that everything I do truly has a large effect on my overall health. Just by changing one simple thing about my day, my sleep schedule, I was able to impact all these other part of my life in a beneficial way. Although my project was not 100% amazing and life changing, I think that the process helped me learn the impact I can have on my health and wellness. This further helped me to discover all the things that I can and should change about my lifestyle in order to have the optimal health and wellness I can. If I was to try and change a new health-related behavior in the future, I think that I would start by focusing on the little exercises and activities that contribute to the whole behavior as a whole. By starting with the building blocks, I think that I would be able to more successfully achieve a positive result. An example of a health-related behavior I would like to change would be drinking more water. Just like sleep, drinking tons of water impacts a numerous number of health dimensions. This could be my physical health and well being because my body would be running more efficiently, or my emotional well-being because I would feel more refreshed and energized throughout my days. Another health-related behavior I could change would be trying to reciprocate the Harvard health plate. Through eating a balanced diet I would see incredible results in my physical and emotional dimensions. Overall, I think that this project has helped me to develop a better understanding on the actions I take and how the can effect my overall