Smoking Persuasive Research Paper

Words: 681
Pages: 3

Have you ever smoked a cigarette? On average, your life is shortened by 11 minutes for every cigarette you smoke. So if you smoke one pack of cigarettes (one pack of cigarettes is usually 20 cigarettes) , which is not that many for a regular smoker, reduces your life by about 4 hours. Just think, if you wouldn’t have smoked that one pack of cigarettes, you would have 4 extra hours to tell your family and friends goodbye, or just do whatever you like to do for 4 more hours.

Believe it or not smoking is very harmful to your body. Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in your lungs. Hey you guys out there, imagine that you were 25, ready to start a family with your wife, but
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For a beginner, smoking a cigarette is a symbolic act conveying messages such as, in the words of the tobacco company Philip Morris, “I am no longer my mother’s child,” and “I am tough.” Children who are attracted to this adolescent assertion of perceived adulthood or rebelliousness tend to come from backgrounds that favour smoking in parents, siblings, and peers: relatively deprived neighbourhoods: schools where smoking is common). They also tend not to be succeeding according to their own or society’s terms (for example, they have low self esteem, have impaired psychological well being, are overweight, or are poor achievers at …show more content…
Two news reports released today by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that the adult smoking rate in the United States has declined to under 20 percent for the first time, but smoking rates are not declining fast enough to reduce tobacco’s growing toll in lives and health care costs. There are many campaigns that explain how gross cigarettes really are. The do this so that it gives you the urge to stop smoking, which will help you live a happier, healthier life. There are also some public places that ban smoking. There are places in restaurants that have a smoking and non-smoking section. This helps control second-hand