Snow Day Research Paper

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Snow and the cold are the two things that I hate most in life. So, I try my hardest to stay away from it. The night before the storm is suppose to rush in, I lay awake in my bed wondering if this snow day is actually going to happen. I sit and stare hoping this day actually comes because I have better things I could be doing other than attending school. When the clock hits ten, and school hasnt been cancelled I am suddenly saddened to know I can’t get the house cleaned anymore. I start working on my homework, when it’s already too late, and hope and pray schools cancelled. 10:30 rolls around, finally, and my mom comes to my room and says “turn your alarm off, there is no school tomorrow.” Finally, the day I have been waiting for. I throw my homework on my floor, and begin to start my snow day. …show more content…
I hate the cold, so going outside is a no go. So, staying inside is a must, laundry, cleaning, and Grey's Anatomy are the only things I need to get done. I wake up around 9 o’clock and make myself a decent breakfast, now my day is just beginning. I start folding laundry while another load is in the wash, hoping that the enormous pile in the laundry room will soon be none.
In the meantime, my sister has just left the night before for school, so the kitchen is destroyed, and that is next on the list. While one load is in the washer I am upstairs cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes. It is like an ongoing