There were fewer jobs available than was initially thought. With unemployment in some larger cities reaching over forty percent and the influx of African Americans and Latinos the local school systems began to deteriorate which added to the issue, these rural families adapting to inner city life. Even if these families had the funds to purchase houses in the suburbs they would not find anyone that was willing to sale to them. The criteria to move into the suburbia was you had to be a white middle class family who could assimilate to the social norms of the community you were moving into. Another consequence of the move to suburbs was the work load that it put on the women raising these families. These new homes required more work to keep them looking perfect, a new social norm had been implemented. The wife had to meet these requirements of doing everything, having a clean house, getting the kids to where they needed to be on time, doing the shopping and having dinner ready for the husband when he arrived home from work. There was no help from other family members they were left behind in the city. A small majority did this plus worked outside the house to earn