Social Development In Adulthood

Submitted By kristenc1231
Words: 722
Pages: 3

Social Development in Adulthood
Kristen Cizan
September 16, 2012
Amber Lazarus

Social Development in Adulthood
Social issues are presented in every stage of growing up; rather it is being a child, adolescence, or an adult. We learn social skills at a young age and how to interact with people. Some people are shy while others are out going and are always trying new things. For this particular assignment I am going to focus on the issues of social development in adulthood.
I decided to read an article titled “Twenty Something: The Social Practice and Practice of Implications of Emerging Adulthood” This article focused on the ages eighteen to twenty-five. This article focuses on the development in the age group when you are leaving the adolescence stage of life and entering the world of adulthood. There are many different social developments within this age group, many of which surprised me. These social developments are not necessary about everyone but a large part of our population.
When entering adulthood relationships involving love and sex become strong and more serious, commitment is a powerful personality trait during this time (Stanley, 2011). Although being in a serious relationship is important at for young adults most people do not get married and start a family but instead focus on their education (Stanley, 2011). Adults do have the anticipation to get married but focus on other things before taking that leap. I feel during this stage and the topic of marriage young adults become confused and indecisive about things. New adults also have strong confidence in their personalities.
Eighteen to twenty-five year olds find themselves often comparing their personalities and habits to their parents. It is very common for adults to have an optimistic outlook on life, they feel they will be more successful than their parents rather it be a career or a marriage (Stanley, 2011). Aristotle explained that emerging adults have hope and high aspirations because they did not face the humiliated experiences of life (Stanley. 2011). I feel that Aristotle did make a valid point but if we did not have those aspirations, even if they seem impossible, we would have no goals or drive to push us to where we need to be. When you are comparing yourself to someone else, rather it is your parents or a close friend, you set yourself up for failure at times but without failure no one would learn.
I choose this topic because I am twenty-four and wanted to see if I had any relation to the article or had the social development they have mentioned. I do feel some things are true. I agree with the article that during this age period we do become involved in