E=A+C Emotion has two components:
Arousal (internal, undefined) + Cognition
(from external social environment). Stim->Physio changes (arousal)-->Cognitive interpretation-->experience *TEST* Aggression:
Excitation Transfer Theory
We carry high levels of arousal, while unaware of arousal. We make incorrect judgments to explain our excitement,
When belief creates reality. 1. Person
A acts on belief. 2. Person B copes with
A behavior (reality construction). 3.
Consequences- confirmation for A, internalization for B, B acts this way to others *TEST* Category
The more the category distinction becomes salient, the more we start missing differences within categories.
Cognitive tendency (stereotyping).
Underestimate diff within categories, overestimate diff between categories
**TEST** Balance Theory and Social
Comparison point to importance of similarity w/ others-- describe how and why this is true for both theories
Balance theory: motivational theory of attitude change. We seek validation to maintain psych wholeness Ppl similar to us validate our likes/dislikes. For Balance theory, if we like our friend, but our friend does not validate our like of a film, we are out of balance. Social Comparison:
Process of uncertainty reduction- we look to see where we stand relative to other people. In this theory, when we're in situations of uncertainty we seek people similar to us to compare to.
**TEST** Describe the theories for self-attribution processes Two-Component theory of emotion, we feel something (arousal) then seek a cause by forming cognitions (cognitive label). This can cause over-reactions and is a self-attribution process. Self Perception Theory, is where we learn about our attitudes through our behavior, by seeking a cognitive label to "fit" our behavior or physiological changes (arousal).
"I'm scared because I run". With low incentive
= truth signal = we own our behavior
*TEST* Compare Cognitive
Dissonance and Self
Perception theory: Differ
1. Basic explanatory process: CogDismotivational, have to fix discomfort. SelfPercpattribution, look at behavior to attribute my values. 2. Importance or self relevance of attitudes.
CogDis- Know values. SelfPercp- unknown values 3. Attitude behavior consistency: CogDis- only when behavior contradicts attitudes.
SelfPercp- always in play
*TEST* Compare Cognitive
Dissonance & Self Perception
Theories: In common
1. Attitudes follow behavior2. Inverse relationship between incentives and attitude favorability3. Both emphasize importance of choice- self ownership, attribution
*TEST* Social
Comparison Theory
Process of uncertainty reduction- where do I stand relative to other people? Strong when in situations of uncertainty and we seek ppl similar to us to compare to (validation)
*TEST* Theories where
Attitudes predict Behavior
1. Theory of Planned
Behavior, 2. Behavioral
*TEST* Theories where
Behavior causes Attitudes
1. Cognitive Dissonance2. Self