Social Structure Theory Analysis

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Pages: 3

When looking at the different types of social structures theories, it is important that we understand that social structure is the different environments that people are raised in as children and live in as adults (Schmalleger, 2012). The person environment includes the person family unit, friends, co-workers/co-students, peers, neighborhood, and social class. The connection between a person’s social structure and their criminal actions in life can be evaluated with three different social structure theories that are known as social disorganization theory, strain theory, culture conflict theory (Schmalleger, 2012).
We see that when we look at the social disorganization theory that holds a significant value in the individual and their environment
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When those that are from a disadvantaged social environment they the human drive for success, but their view of success may not be what the larger community see as success. Those that are not from a disadvantaged social environment can see success in life as getting a good job, meeting educational goals, and focusing on the productive social activity (Agnew, 2012). Those that come from a disadvantaged social environment may seek street credit, respect from those that are in their local community, by selling drugs, intimidating others using violence, or committing criminal activity to build their street credit. They maybe more focused on their status in their local community for their negative social actions than taking steps to improve their life by the social standing of the larger community by attempting to improve their lives by seeking education, better employment, or other positive social standards of the larger …show more content…
In the history of the United States, there has been a larger migration of different cultures that have led to a difference in the way that they conduct day to day activity (Portes, Parker, & Cobas, 1980). We see these social differences today with so many different groups such as those that are Muslims, Hispanics, and the black community. These cultures in the United States hold various cultural conflicts that the majority of the country, and a different understanding of what criminal activity is in the American society. We have seen in our history that the majority have passed laws that they see as keeping the minorities in their place such as the Jim Crow Laws that affected members of the black community from the time of the Civil War until the 1960’s. Over the past week, there has been a larger question of what place the Hispanic group is known as “Dreamers” have in our society. We also see more significant concern from the Christian Community is the implementation of Sharia law by the Muslim