Social Working As A Mentor Summary

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Pages: 4

Social workers and parent mentors need to emphasize the significance of persistency. Identifying both the parents and the child's needs is essential to finding individualized resources and support services to help. The main goal of a mentor service is to teach each parentto be his or her own child advocate. When the parents and immediate family serve as an advocate, the child grows up feeling positive and secure about his or her life.
There is, unfortunately, very little published information aboutadolescents and adults who have been prenatally exposed to alcohol. Parents have to take one day at the time and have a network of professionals available to treat each milestone as they occur. Parental treatments are also important and crucial.
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Social workers who have an at risk pregnant women as a client can use client’s assessment for early detect any red flags and provide education services. Rogers (2013) affirms that an early assessment and historical information is vital to social workers or anyone working with at risk clients. However, Roger critiques that this information can change the focus of the social worker to the client’s weaknesses and not enough on her strengths. Therefore, a careful assessment needs to be done, without judgment, to assure the knowledge of social issues adding to the client daily problems that can result on drinking. “For instance, a person may begin drinking after experiencing difficulties in finding a job, particularly when the economy is weak” (Rogers, 2013, p. 31). The detection of alcohol abuse is essential to make any crucial decision that can have any potentially severe teratogen effects during fetal development. As social workers, knowing our clients and how they relate socially is also important. Recognizing red flags can help in constructing social networks to prevent FAS. As an example, prevention groups can assist bar owners by educating them not to sell alcohol to pregnant women and under-aged …show more content…
Binge drinking should be avoided at all costs, not only for the health of a possible embryo but also for the health of the woman. Social workers should use any favorable situation to try to educate as many people as possible about the dangers of drinking when pregnant and the negative outcomes it can have on the infant. By utilizing tools, such as photos of the infant brain affected by alcohol and statistics on infant mortality. Several workers can surely decrease the prevalence of FAS. In addition, a social worker program focusing on positive youth development can be implemented as a prevention tool. The literature affirms that a “positive youth development perspective emphasizes the manifest potentialities rather than the supposed incapacities of young people includingyoung people, from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and those with the most troubled histories”(Damon, 2004,