Socioeconomic Disparities In Health Care

Words: 1983
Pages: 8

Executive Summary In the US, older persons have a relatively high prevalence of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, and others. These diseases greatly increase rates of morbidity and mortality. In addition to producing pain, impairment, and decreased mobility that lower quality of life, these illnesses place a significant financial burden on people and healthcare systems. The costly expenses of medical care, prescription drugs, and long-term care that come with managing chronic illnesses over time exacerbate healthcare inequities and socioeconomic gaps. In addition, the greater rates of healthcare consumption, frequent hospitalizations, and longer hospital stays brought on by the higher …show more content…
Policymakers, healthcare professionals, and community stakeholders may enable older persons to pursue active, independent lives and preserve their health and vitality as they age by supporting healthy aging initiatives. Proposed Solution to the Problem Given that socioeconomic variables have a significant influence on health outcomes, governments ought to give priority to addressing these issues in order to reduce health disparities among older persons. “When socially disadvantaged communities experience health inequalities that are presumably preventable, health disparities result”(Kardashian et al., 2023). Affordable housing programs, transit aid, food security campaigns, and social support service accessibility are a few examples of activities that might enhance the general well-being of older persons and lessen the influence of socioeconomic determinants on the outcomes of chronic diseases. Policymakers can build more inclusive and equitable healthcare systems that promote the health and dignity of all older persons by tackling the underlying social determinants of health. SWOT Analysis …show more content…
Early diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases are facilitated by greater attention and knowledge of preventive healthcare interventions, such as screenings and immunizations. There is a growing understanding of the significance of addressing social determinants of health, such as social support networks and access to healthcare services, to improve the health outcomes of older persons who suffer from chronic illnesses. Weaknesses Unequal access to and quality of healthcare, especially in marginalized populations, makes it more difficult for older persons to manage their chronic illnesses fairly. Insufficient health and digital literacy among senior citizens may hinder their capacity to obtain and apply healthcare resources efficiently. Challenges with care coordination and continuity for elderly patients with complicated chronic illnesses, resulting in disjointed medical encounters and less than ideal results. Opportunities Opportunities to improve older individuals' access to healthcare services and the management of chronic conditions are presented by the expansion of telehealth and remote monitoring technology, especially in rural areas. Holistic methods to managing chronic diseases in older individuals can be improved by placing more emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative care models that involve