Sociological Perspective

Words: 674
Pages: 3

Nafeesa Huskey
Final Paper
As described in the book sociological perspective is “ stresses the social contexts in which people live.” (Henslin, pg. 2) This paper is my intake on human behavior and its connection to society.
Symbolic interaction deal with the person and how they view certain things in their own way.“ Symbols are things we attach meaning to and are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another.” (Henslin, pg. 13)
Every time you began to look at someone, speak to the person or even have thoughts you’re having an symbolic interaction. Even while reading this paper right now you’re experiencing a symbolic interaction. From the letters on this page, to how you interpret them you still expect to
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For example, In the united states the growing there is a growing number of single parent homes. These homes play a big factor of our overall percentage of children who are failing in school. Most of the parents in single family homes aren’t available to stay at home and supervise their children due to having to provide for the family. This means less supervision on children's homework and supervision overall. Most people are starting to go back to college to learn more skills for their workplace. The number of women in the workforce has increased because of policies against sexual harassment and job discrimination. Functionalists use the terms functional and dysfunctional to describe the effects of social elements on society. Elements of society are functional if they contribute to social stability and dysfunctional if they disrupt social stability. Some aspects of society can be both functional and dysfunctional. For example, crime is dysfunctional and it associated itself with physical violence, loss of property, and terror. But according to Durkheim and other functionalists, crime is also functional for society because it leads to heightened awareness of shared moral bonds and increased social