Socl 311 Research Paper

Words: 949
Pages: 4

Mashegoana H.P
SOCL 311
15 May 2015
Estelle Venter Assignment 02 Contents
Auguste Comte 3
Karl Marx 3
Emile Durkheim 4
Max Weber 4

In all of history, there have been theorists who dedicated their lives to finding and discovering new phenomena which would help people understand each other and life as a whole. These theorists have contributed to world knowledge as we know it, and we as people owe it to them to add to their knowledge and make it live on. In this assignment, short summaries about famous works of Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber will be discussed, as those are aspects given much attention in founding Sociology.
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He came up with the idea of positivism and influenced many theorists like Spencer, Durkheim and Weber. Comte then developed an evolutionary theory called the law of the three stages. In these three stages, Comte states that people go through the stages as history emerges and people interact, and that our present time occurred through the same stages.
The Theological stage as the first one, is based on the 1300s, where emphasis is based on the belief that all supernatural forces and sacred places form basis of everything, while the metaphysical stage that occurred between 1300 and 1800 puts emphasis on the thought that nature gives true meaning to everything and lastly in the 1800s the positivistic stage emerged, here people concentrated their belief on science unlike both the stages, people now wanted to know the laws governing the social and physical world.
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One of the last work he added to the field of sociology included: Subjective meanings which meant that people’s social actions were better understood at the level of participants and not on a statistical level and also advocated them on the term verstehen which meant being able to relate to someone’s situation, for it was more than a scientific tool to Weber, all this led him contributing to symbolic-interactionism. The second was social and material causes, were Weber argues that all the available and present social structures and religious beliefs led to economic politics and the third one is value-free science were he argued that sociologists should be concerned with what is and a less on what should be.

All the above mentioned theorists had different perspectives on how the world and its people interact and the causes of all the social phenomena thereof, and they disagreed with each other but yet their work has been influential up until this very present day. As people we will choose the one theory that best describes our lives or the time and change occurring at this moments in our lives. All in all, their work contributed a lot to existing world of