Socrates brings up some really good points on what makes a good or bad argument. You can see it through his own argument and decide if you think it is good or bad on your own. I, personally, believe that his argument is a good one. He brings up many points questioning why he is on trial and it makes you think. First we will talk about what makes an argument good or bad. I have a few examples to make it very clear. Then I will show you how I have reconstructed Socrates’ argument. Then I will explain why the unstated premises are necessary and explain why each premise is true or false. But before we get to that lets first talk about the different arguments.
Good and bad arguments are very similar, but different at the same …show more content…
Now that we understand what makes up a good and bad argument we will discuss the reconstruction of Socrates’ argument about death being a blessing.
This is the reconstructed form of Socrates’ argument that questions if death is truly a blessing:
Premise 1- Death is nothing and has no perception of anything, or death is a relocation of the soul (stated)
Premise 2- If you die in a dreamless sleep eternity would seem like that one night (stated)
Premise 3- If eternity is a dreamless sleep, it is likely a blessing (unstated)
Conclusion 1- Death with a lack of perception or relocation of the soul is likely a blessing
Premise 5- Those jurymen who judge now will be judged later in Hades (stated)
Premise 6- If when dead I can meet those unjustly convicted like me then it will be a life well spent (unstated)
Conclusion 2- A change in the soul will be judged or pleasantly accepted, likely as a blessing
Final Conclusion- Death is likely a blessing and privilege
Now that we have seen Socrates’ argument about death being a blessing we will look at why the unstated premises were necessary and if they are true or