Solstice V. Murray Plaintiff

Words: 1622
Pages: 7

Plaintiff (Murray) was seen at a nightclub called Solstice after a winning a game on a Monday night. Murray invited many friends in order to celebrate. After ordering several drinks, he closely interacted with the dancers that were there. Murray’s wife saw what was happening, and approached him about it. It got heated, and the wife slapped Murray across the face. In retaliation, Murray slapped his wife much harder who proceeded to call the police. They apologized and no charges were made, but many people saw the incident and it was posted on ZMT.
Plaintiff was seen frequently gambling at a casino. He recently, however, was reported to be gambling in the sports arena. The newspapers began to write about his, giving the Eagles bad press. Murray
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He claims to have been returning to his car early in the morning, when a man came up from behind and attempted to rob him with a knife. Murray carries a handgun with him, which he quickly pulled out and shot at the man. Because none of the shots hit the attacker, he was able to escape. Plaintiff, however, did not own a permit for the gun. Murray thought he did a good thing, however, owning and firing a handgun without a permit is illegal in Philadelphia and he was arrested on the spot.
Plaintiff was drug tested when he was arrested for illegally possessing a handgun. He tested positive for MDMA, a substance that was banned from the NFL. He claimed the he had never taken the drug, and that it was probable that someone had slipped him the drug in his drink at the nightclub. The NFL discovered the results of the drug test and saw that it violated the drug
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He was released by the Chief due to violations in his contract as well as the NFL Personal Conduct Policy. Under the personal conduct policy clause it states that, “all persons associated with the NFL are required to avoid ‘conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the National Football League.’” Under this clause it goes on to explain that any illegal or irresponsible conduct tarnishes not only the offender, but trashes the reputation of others involved in the NFL, and undermines public respect and support for the NFL. Murray’s physical confrontation with his wife, gambling, drug use and gun violation all in some way, shape or form tarnish and is detrimental to the integrity of the National Football League. Under the Standard of Conduct clause it states that persons employed by the NFL are held to a considerably higher standard than the normal person. It explicitly states that if a person of the NFL does not live up to the standard of conduct, even where the conduct itself does not result in a conviction of a crime. If violated, discipline may be imposed for number of circumstances. Cox violated three of the six circumstance listed under the Standard of Conduct (Criminal offenses...domestic abuse and other forms of partner abuse...theft and property crimes, conduct that imposes inherent danger to