Soma In Brave New World

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Pages: 5

Pharmaceutical Painkillers Polluting The World Beneath the facade of relief, pharmaceutical painkillers harbor a devastating potential: they can shatter lives and tear families apart through the grip of addiction. The hidden consequences of these seemingly harmless treatments reveal a sobering truth: what starts as relief can end in ruin. In Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World, the citizens who live under the World State indulge in a drug called soma that brings short-term relief and euphoria. It is later shown that this drug can cloud the mind and rid people’s true emotions, causing false beliefs. The World State impacted society by having citizens gain a great dependency on soma and ultimately having control over them through …show more content…
Notably, the production of legal pharmaceutical drug capsules contributes substantially to global carbon emissions and fosters the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria (“Environmental”). “The main sources of release of pharmaceuticals to the environment include direct emissions from drug manufacturing, patient, animal excretion, aqua farming, and disposal of unused or expired medicines.” (“Environmentally”). Processing emissions have large risks, drug-resistant microorganisms, and global consequences (“Pollution”). “Hazardous pollution related to illegal drugs, whether in the form of pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, or fertilizers, affects humans as well as plant and animal species”(“The Environmental”). Cultivation of plants for illegal drugs leads to permanent soil damage, flooding, and toxic chemical pollution (“Illegal drugs”). The disposal of pharmaceutical drugs can affect non-target organisms like wildlife and ecosystem health (“Environmentally”). Opium farming regions like Afghanistan poison water supplies, deprecate water resources and divert critical resources (“Illegal