Milkman’s mystery begins with his search for gold. The reader can see this search for gold as a search for his character. Milkman want the gold to get away from his family, to travel, to fly. Milkman believes that the lost gold is in Danville, Pennsylvania so he decides to fly out in search of the gold. This flight is the first real time where he is free from all the things holding him back from moving forward in life. His father (Macon Dead Jr.) is not there to tell him what to do, Hagar is not there to keep coming after him, and he does not have to listen to Guitar’s association with the Seven Days. Milkman soon finds out that the hidden gold is not in Pennsylvania and decided to go to Virginia to travel in Pilate’s footsteps. He has not yet figured out who he is as a person and …show more content…
In the beginning of Milkman’s journey, he finds a man named Reverend Cooper who tells him all about Milkman’s “people”. At this point in time, Milkman really feels a sense of belonging that has never experienced. After Reverend Cooper tells Milkman about Milkman’s grandfather, Milkman desires to hear more of his ancestry. Milkman goes on a hunt for a lady named Circe. Circe was the midwife for Pilate and Milkman’s father. She is also a helper to Milkman on his journey to find himself. Circe tells Milkman all about his history; his father, his grandfather Jake, and even his great grandfather Solomon. All of these stories show Milkman who he is, where he belongs, and ultimately, how to