Sp3450 Unit 4 Project Part 2

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Unit 4 Project part 2: Literature Review
Jessica Wiederhold
SP3450 Thursday 6pm

Mary E. Thomas (2009) The identity politics of school life: territoriality and the racial subjectivity of teen girls in LA, Children's Geographies, 7:1, 7-19, DOI:
This article dives into how teen girls attending a multi-racial school. They often have to deal with racial territories and segregation on campus. This can have a huge impact on young, impressionable women. It focuses on how they deal with being faced with struggling to find an ethnic identity. They either end up in a racial territory or they cross over racial-ethnic boundaries. Rockquemore, K. A., Brunsma, D. L. and Delgado, D. J. (2009), Racing to Theory
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It strives to see if there are any commonalities between theses struggles. It identifies that there are 5 stages of multiracial identity. They are personal identity, choice of group categorization, enmeshment/denial, appreciation, and integration. Choi, Yoonsun; Harachi, Tracy W.; Gillmore, Mary Rogers; Catalano, Richard F. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol 76(1), Jan 2006, 86-97. …show more content…
It looks at both positive and negative aspects of being multiracial. It looks at psychological well-being and adjustment effects that being multiracial has on an individual. This article states that the many studies that claim multiracial people are maladjustment is false. They believe that it is because of the reliance on qualitative research.
Townsend, S. S. M., Markus, H. R. and Bergsieker, H. B. (2009), My Choice, Your Categories: The Denial of Multiracial Identities. Journal of Social Issues, 65: 185–204. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4560.2008.01594.x
This final article analyzes two different studies. One that reports the tensions that being multiracial can cause. The other on how filling out a form about your ethnicity causes them to have to pick or choose one particular ethnicity. This paper believes that forcing anyone to have to fit into one specific category can be potentially harmful. This is especially true if that one category is not how they see themselves.

The articles listed above will aid my paper in several ways. I have a variety of different views on my topic: Multiracial Identity and Behavioral Problems. I have several articles that focus on how people that are multiracial identify with any ethnicity, not necessarily one single ethnicity though. The way they come to identify themselves is a huge part of understanding what makes a person